Monster Park opening party

CG 10:02 18/Nov/05

Hey so who actually won the Tuesday night MTV thing anyway?

Also -- did anyone actually go, and are there pictures to be posted?

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 13:26 18/Nov/05

I aint wining and dining anyone of the same gender as me. My new bitch is the vert ramp at the Bush anyway.

I wouldn't have a clue who won the party pooper pass. I just know that it was cold, windy as hell, and wet. But that didn't stop Trevor and Renton from absolutely killing the vert ramp in freezing cold temperatures and gale force winds. I guess those Melbourne guys are used to crappy weather.

I didn't take many pics either, because I was too busy being amazed by the demo and trying to keep my hands warm.

CG 15:27 18/Nov/05

"I aint wining and dining anyone of the same gender as me." -- what are you, frigid?

I might be there tonight, because i'm cool.

El Duderino 15:32 18/Nov/05

Any action from Bartos Carnes at the demo Mick ?

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 15:43 18/Nov/05

I didn't even see Bart there. Where the hell was he?

El Duderino 15:54 18/Nov/05

Thought he was heading down from Brisso for it. Might have been lurking although that would be way out of character.

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