
Pete Oste
Pete Oste 10:14 18/May/07

oops - wrong pic (that's my dodegy 3d interpretation)


RE: rockdale

ook 10:54 18/May/07

ook 10:54 18/May/07

looks pretty fun

mosu101 11:34 18/May/07

fu&k yeah habib

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 00:56 22/May/07

Yessirreee Pete'

Thats the final plan, to the best of my knowledge anywayzzz'
Good job on the 3-d deal too...

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 05:40 25/May/07

Bad news - Joe from Zalem advised that Council had insufficient funds (wonder if that has anything to do with the site being an old tip???!@) and it was being redesigned....??? (could be a good thing! LOL)

Tried to contact Colin from Council to confirm but he was out so have left a message for him to call me...

If anyone else wants to chase this call Colin Noble at Rockdale Council Ph 9562-1666

Turkee 03:40 19/Jun/07

"Bicentennial park, just down the road from Brighton Le Sands, right near the Bunnings Warehouse...The Second driveway if coming from the North end / First driveway if coming from the South end, as you drive into the entrance they are building it on your left..."

I had a look on the weekend and I don't think they have started. They are expanding a playground but I couldn't see any skatepark construction.
Maybe we'll have to push the council a little....?

.Nick 13:51 02/Jul/07


battles 05:32 23/Jan/08

grounds been cleared.

it looks like its all above ground. no deep bowls.

latest rockers newsletter says park supposed to be finished by april

someone go get me the latest plans

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 00:59 03/Mar/08

Went down & checked out the progress (or lack thereof), of the area.
Council has stated it will be completed by April 08' (on the big signboard posted there), the plans are also on the signboard, & are as on the previous page.

If you head down there you can see why they would not dig down, as this is all landfill, where they have graded the area & blue metalled it in prep, check the walls dug out, & its' full of plastic bags, bottles & other rubbish, did not realise how close to the surface it all was till I saw it.

Does not look like a big area for it, I guess somethin' is better than nuthin' ?
I just wish they would have put a bowl in there with a street area, similar to Riverwood, if they were restricted with size & money, but they have stated this is Part 1, Part 2 being much bigger, this one (part 1) being aimed at beginner to intermediate (????).

And I do know there was a trade off, as it was bmxers that started the ball rolling on this quite a long time ago.

We'll see wot its' like in April, I s'pose...

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 01:28 03/Mar/08

If they're planning 2 stages, why not make a plaza first, then add a bowl later? Those plans are so 91!

Then again, looking at history, once stage 1 is done, stage 2 will always be a pipe dream.

McMoose 04:24 05/Mar/08

hope its good. Just down the road from work!!!!

singha_is 04:52 05/Mar/08

i played rockdale once in rep soccer (super premier league).

a pack of...

singha_is 04:54 05/Mar/08

looks fun!

more excuse to pick/ drop family n friends from the air port!!!

LOGJAMMER 00:24 15/Mar/08


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