Colac Promo Clip

good_fella 18:37 24/Aug/05

Promo clip for the first Colac vid

(right click, save target as) 7mb, 1min 35

chippy the muff 18:40 24/Aug/05

bogus link champ...nice avatar though

good_fella 18:40 24/Aug/05

the link isnt working now, ill try put it on snowpics

stephen 18:41 24/Aug/05

wouldnt work for me

ben k 18:41 24/Aug/05

nah've just linked it wrong

they should provide a linking, link?

or right click > properties > web addy there.

Macca. 18:47 24/Aug/05

colac that s where stingray and his family are from ....neighbour s

good_fella 19:07 24/Aug/05

Seems like they have already deleted it from powow or something

Here's the snowpics one.

The Moluck. 19:09 24/Aug/05

thats more like it

Callum. 19:32 24/Aug/05

do u skate with toadfish?

gay fag 19:37 24/Aug/05

do you rekon he used to skate with stinga before he moved to erinsbourgh?

mosu101 19:40 24/Aug/05

nice vid lose the musical monks on the sound track

animal chin 20:31 24/Aug/05

hahahaha I met stinga not too long ago, he said he was gonna bring out a skate vid.

animal chin 20:39 24/Aug/05

hahahaha I met stinga not too long ago, he said he was gonna bring out a skate vid.

animal chin 20:49 24/Aug/05

hahahaha I met stinga not too long ago, he said he was gonna bring out a skate vid.

loon 08:57 25/Aug/05

i met a kid who skates from colac called arron

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