Camden Park Clip

Pig. 14:47 04/Nov/05

Cheers lad
We'll get out for that Wozzawong sesh soon.
Works just riding me like a bull/Pig at the moment

mers 17:56 04/Nov/05

i dont know which one to watch

Pig. 02:28 05/Nov/05

I dont follow mers

seargent nips 15:53 05/Nov/05

that clip was fantastic. its good that ui labelled ur quicktime file sick of all this "112233947" bullshit. yeah and sick clip once more

Pig. 10:37 06/Nov/05

people dont not label their clips with proper names. Its that when you donwload a clip of snowpics it changes the name of the file to a numeric one
On most servers it will be the uploaded name, but snowpics changes it

_Will_ 10:45 06/Nov/05

That clip was sick... you guys have shredded our park better than any1 else so far... congrads

Pig. 11:20 06/Nov/05

Ricky shreds any park dude.
Such a ripper

I dont think Subway at camden will ever serve us again though

tree 17:12 07/Nov/05

holy fuck that park is epic! that bank seriously looks like a monstertruck ramp.

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