box hill MINI VID

crazy eyes 16:21 13/Nov/05

Box Hillbillys !!!

Saturday at box hill skatepark, it's not often im up for makin a mini vid right away, but everyone was bustin out all over the joint. top day.

feat. Trent,Aaron,Putt,Michael,Sona,Pierre,Jayden

9meg, 2:30

get into it!

puttputtboom 16:47 13/Nov/05

cool story hansel

ben` 16:55 13/Nov/05

songs abd

crazy eyes 17:15 13/Nov/05

then watch it in mute jerk!

[LACHLAN] 17:40 13/Nov/05

that clip was sik as i loved it

<<smashitup> 18:34 13/Nov/05

sikc clip

gay fag 19:19 13/Nov/05

fuck yeah, there was some good skating in there

puttputtboom 19:51 13/Nov/05

trents hardflip is fucking crazy and if u watch it backwards he does fakie variel flip into the bank which is even crazyer

||BLANK|| 20:03 13/Nov/05

very nice clip dyl...mikkys big spin front board was sick and trents nollie fs 180 sw crooks was stylish, i liked that very much:D thanks dyl

recreo 20:45 13/Nov/05

destroyed that rail...sweet hardflip up the gap

Jonnie 21:24 13/Nov/05

fuck yeah nice clip.. i liked the sike.

flycat 00:22 14/Nov/05

ninice clippah......i really liked the editing and all skating..... i hardly ever like any park clips but this one was dope...

...... intro editing particularily good...

FOG 01:33 14/Nov/05

That was pretty cool......Good job on most of the filming, the skating was pretty fresh also.......Cool vibe to it.

ady 15:11 14/Nov/05

you guys killed it :o

DANGER MOUSE. 21:55 14/Nov/05

"cool stor hansel"

BAHAHAHA i love that, been u sing it so much these days

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