"Something Diffrent"

Display name 15:22 08/Dec/05

"Something diffrent" is a skate movie im going to make... most of this stuff i filmed is old so dont hate on all of it please...

feedback and help on clip would be great.

mosu101 18:07 08/Dec/05

editing good, music good, skating good.

video quality sub par, it was pixellated and lacking real focus. Is this because you made the vidoe on low resolution to make a smaller file.

Most people have high speed connections to the net make the file bigger next time and dont compromise the graphic quality.

good effort

Display name 18:11 08/Dec/05

yeah i was wondering why i saved the file to be 512k speed. but it still came out shit.

scott_03 18:12 08/Dec/05

that was heaps good except that flashing thing got annoying and it was a little bit long for a promo...

Half Past Death 20:03 12/Dec/05

I really liked the filming at the beginning of that until 00:43. Heaps good promo though, props.

rob. 03:23 13/Dec/05

cool clip, font was scary tho. micheal pepper kills tranny, oh and one more thing.......

RE: "Something Diffrent"

Display name 11:40 13/Dec/05

thanks rob. but what you mean by that?

and yes michael kills tranny.

fintan 11:56 13/Dec/05

i think he's trying to say that "different" is spelt "different"

fintan 11:57 13/Dec/05

unless of course you were being PuNk and wanted to do it diffrent

Nate Dawg 12:18 13/Dec/05

in all honesty i never noticed that, but blokes have gotta learn to use a spell shecker before you go "publishing" shit... far too many people havent learnt to spell.

Anyways, pretty cool clip and all that jazz. People are right complaining about the quality; do you have broadband macky?

One more question: how is this vid gonna be something different? Im not quite seeing it.

Display name 12:41 13/Dec/05

i dont know...i just called it that???

yeah i do but im gonna get that soresion squeeze or what eva its call sometime.

and i didnt notice that aswell...mmm. thanks guys.

F Z 13:19 13/Dec/05

Those flashes were so fuckin annoying, and the texts sucked cock

Display name 13:21 13/Dec/05


tinbum 19:40 13/Dec/05

omg that was great!!!!!!

im talking about the part how u say tasmania isnt part of australia!!!!

at least one tasmanian can admit it

just kidden, no hard feelings guys

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