new promo

music 12:20 29/Apr/06

heres a quick promo for menace skateshop video coming out way later than soon

Ben... 12:38 29/Apr/06

some pretty good tricks in there.

felix the cat 12:52 29/Apr/06

pretty good skating but filming and editing were shit and that song was trash

vulture steez 12:55 29/Apr/06

okay skating.... editing,filming,song were fairly wack and too much slomo shit... but its ok

Cordy 17:19 29/Apr/06

i had to try so hard not to throw up just then if it wasnt for the ok skating my screen would be a greenish colour right now

music 17:49 29/Apr/06

ok well its my first video so could you giv me some pointers on how to make it better

Jungle 17:59 29/Apr/06

man my kiky 10 was mob, i will hav to do it again tomorow

Jungle 18:04 29/Apr/06

And the song was awesome

vulture steez 19:34 29/Apr/06

we did tell u some pointers what not to do again ^^^^^^

Stupid. 19:41 29/Apr/06

that kiky 10 was so mob

music 19:41 29/Apr/06

ok so pretty much not so much slomo and better filming

macca_macalister 19:46 29/Apr/06

wats a good program u can use for editing?

RE: new promo

vulture steez 19:48 29/Apr/06

if ur talkn about photos Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and if ur talking about footy adobe premier pro and if thats too hard for you to use try windows movie maker.

d.u.s.k 14:30 01/May/06

hey man nice clip. goood skating in it.

the johno
the johno 19:41 01/May/06

skating was good
if your gonna slow mo dont use movie maker lol
"music" are u reece

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