Alexandra Hills Bowls
Brand new 2004 bowls from Concrete Skateparks, which include two very well made bowls, joining at a spine and both running apart with a platform divider. The smaller bowl is about 4ft deep and moderately tight, not much flat but a good fast ride. The larger one is a vert bowl, the shallow end with 6ft transitions going down to a deep end with good portion of vert in the deep end. No street here, but there is enough of that in the Redland Bay area anyway.
Windemere Road Bushland Refuge, 48-52 Windemere Rd, Alexandra Hills QLD 4161, Australia
Builder - Concrete Skateparks [+]
Designer - Concrete Skateparks [+]
Skateparks Nearby
- 2 km NW
- 2 km NW
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Skate Spots Nearby
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- 12 km SW
ohhh, these things rock! so smooth.. but never turn up on a sunday as it is infested with bike riders! occasionally you will have to rake out some leaves and sand in the corners of the bowls. 5 star for this!
Great bowls with some fun workable lines. The big bowl can be a little scary for those not used to big trannies and vert. The coping is a little trashed from bikers, but if you go fast enough you shouldn't have any problems. The little bowl is fun, but can be hard to skate due if you aren't a seasoned bowl rider. The big bowl almost resembles a pool with a shallow end thats not that shallow and a nice big wall in the deep end. Both bowls are joined by a spine which makes for fun transfers. Definately take a broom!
pad up and rad up!
The most under rated and under skated bowl in Brisso I reckon. Kind of a love it or hate it thing but if you like a little gnar it's definitely worth a visit. 150 layers of graff have added "character". Take a broom for sure.
fuck yer mad bowls
pretty cool bow
it allright
it allright
!shit! way too slippery too much graffiti and shit in the bowl
looks lyk hela fun and mitch nuthing is too slippery :S try skateing steel ramps that are painted :S:S
man the highest air ive ever seen on a bike was at this park it was like 10ft in a 8 ft quarter