Eumundi Bowl
Old style Qld bowl with escalators and a bowled out smaller end.
94-100 Memorial Dr, Eumundi QLD 4562, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
- 1 km SE
- 8 km NW
- 9 km S
- 12 km SE
- 13 km NE
Skate Spots Nearby
- 6 km S
- 16 km NE
- 22 km S
- 23 km S
- 23 km SE
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pretty hesh park a lot like other qld bowls its fun to carve but not fun when you stack on a rock , there is lots of rocks and leaves usually on the park . i wouldnt really hit this park up , its a no no from my view.
quinny obviously you can't skate this park is shit i wouldn't even classify this as a park
go to the 11 stair down the road
shittest park ever!
keep an eye out for the opening of the new park. don't know exactly the adress but its near, what looks like to be, the show grounds. dosn't look half bad from the road 3 maybe 4 star at the most
this park kills people! but there is hope..... the new park at the show grounds is now open. its got 3 dif sized mini ramps side by side. 3,4and 5 foot i think. it also has a flat rail a manual pad/ledge, a flat bank and a set of 4 bout the size of a 7or8 with coping making each step grindable. this park is small but has been put 2g4 pretty good it also has a shade cloth covering it...yeah thats tops. other then the random lumps and the almost inverted coping its worth going to..
i heard they filled this bitch in, to bad cause if they just took the time to fix it up it woulda been sweet
yes they filled it in:( and built the shitest new skatepark down the road
It's gone, i was so pumped to at least try this shit out but now its just a lawn with wooden walls on all three sides, god damn the council! :(