Lorne Skate Park
New concrete skate park with an average street course which has a couple of strange aspects. The deep end of the bowl is loads of fun however the shallow end is not ideal. The bowl can be skated at night due to street lighting.
128 Great Ocean Rd, Lorne VIC 3232, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
- 1 km NW
- 14 km NE
- 18 km NW
- 23 km W
- 24 km NE
Skate Spots Nearby
- 0 km SW
- 1 km NW
- 24 km NE
- 28 km NW
- 32 km NE
finnaly pics of the new lorne park. i love its got a real nice box and ledge and the hip is really good too the bowl is awesome
best bowl in vic!!!!!! exept 4 the ring!!!
ring of fire is shit, its to slippery, and this park is great even though i havnt skated it but i will soon and if ur travelin to lorne, have a stop at colac skate park, its worth the go......cheers
the street course is strange...... the bowl is awsome, i think i need a hip replacement after some falls on it though. also, the shallow floor is made of a rought concrete and it has an uneven bump in it. very strange...
this place is heaven it doesnt have much in the way of sreet but i love mukin' around on the vert bits, in the bowl, and on the fun box excepti hate how the roll-in goes over the fun-box but then to the vert wall and if you are normal footed you need to do a backside kickturn
okay guys, look in the picture, is that BLOOD on the park!!! wtf!! lol.
pretty kool but i like gettin' air n im not sogud...lol all o u tell me ur email!
This park is sooo fun and its great night skatin!
its not blood u iodiot, it was me.....i kinder had an accident good park
this park is soooo shit. it has nothing and if it does u cant skate it. IT GAY
this park is sik and all the locals get along and there are no ratty people !!!sweet park!!! my cozin tried rock to fakie and smashed his face on the ramp !!!PISSA!!!
I came here once without a deck. The bowl looks hell sweet!
this park is good on a hot day because theres a beach down the road, SIK!!!!!
hey ppl i luved this park and the bowl and the time i was joking bout ollying da box i did it first shot and it was so easy and the bowl is my hero lol oh yer and that sarah chick from lorne is so hot!! memba me johan hunters friend lol
just spent a week here every day frm 9 till 6 sk8 go home eat cum bak and sk8 its got lights so u can sk8 at nyt its fuckn nut if u roll down the bank over the box u can get sum good air outa the 8foot and watch out for a local guy shows about 2.3o he fuckn rips it up sum1 sponser him
o yer and if u look carefully sum times theres blod trails and i ate concreet here it fuckn hurts cause u get so much speed and the only bad thing is all the lil kidiz on scooters they get in the way hard
way too cramped, the bowl doesnt rate anywhere near the top in vic, Northcote is far better. Lorne has far too many tourists, apollo bay is much better.
Fun, awesome park. Skated the trampolines - wicked
alright park and the bowl is really fun, but to cramped and could do with just a flat quater instead of curved and sloped ones. also whats up with the ledge made out of bluestone or whatever the hell it is? and for me the euro wasn't all that great there but overall it's a good park for little sesh's
looks sweet
the box roxs
good park awesome bowl dont ollie off the small hip trust me it hurts! lorne's better 4 surfin' tho
shit park! waste of money
(borat) its nice!! the extended 1/4 is physco smooth concret not very good for riding in the heat though because of the real thick concret.....
kick ass park! I can clear the BOX.
cool might be going there this monday
is there like a 14 ft. roll in or something
Looks Sick! 4-5*
one of the best sk8prks ive been 2 (besides rof)
yer its an alright park the bowl and mini box are the funniest
should be 4 stars its cool and some locals can rip this place
why isnt it 4 star i came for a holiday here and it was awesome
didnt really like it.......maybe a little to sqaushed
any campsites near here? thinking of heading down for the easter long weekend
Pretty good its not the best but so fun on the verts love the shop SHARKYS if ur in lorne go!!!
good skatepark