Skate spots near Hips - 16 Marcus Clarke

Civic Rail #1

Civic Rail #1

Civic Rail #2

Civic Rail #2

Black Rail

Black Rail

Cop Shop Ledge

Cop Shop Ledge

Court Rail

Court Rail

Ferry Rail

Ferry Rail

Magistrates Gap

Magistrates Gap

Three Bench

Three Bench

Ramp Ledge

Ramp Ledge

Court Kicker

Court Kicker

Triple Black

Triple Black

Bailey's Corner

Bailey's Corner

Museum Bumps

Museum Bumps

ANU Long Rail

ANU Long Rail

Back Dock Rail

Back Dock Rail

Old Chess Pit

Old Chess Pit

Customs Rail

Customs Rail

Junkie Banks

Junkie Banks

The Wave

The Wave

Reid Rail

Reid Rail

ANU Kicker

ANU Kicker

Blue Bar

Blue Bar

Myer Ledge

Myer Ledge

Health Slappy

Health Slappy

Lonsdale St

Lonsdale St

Akuna Black

Akuna Black

Science Stairs

Science Stairs

Barrine Bin

Barrine Bin

Red Bank

Red Bank

Mirror Bank

Mirror Bank

Black Bank

Black Bank

Museum Bank

Museum Bank

Aiatsis Ledges

Aiatsis Ledges

ANU Ledge

ANU Ledge

Mini Mort Ledge

Mini Mort Ledge

Bunda St Ledge

Bunda St Ledge

London Ledge

London Ledge

Black Banks

Black Banks



Drill Hall

Drill Hall · 1800 034 588·