City Beach Indoor Mini
Nice looking Indoor Mini.
Inner Northern Busway, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
- 2 km SE
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- 3 km SE
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great for a new board, pads are a reqirement. perfect ramp, nice people. 4 star ramp!
its really narrow but hella fun .. if only you didn't have to wear pads but i guess that ensures that city beach avoids any litigation
My advice...dont get too freindly with the fence...
im froma small place with a small skateshop, when i seen this joint i was whacked to the max, 3 stories with a mini ramp inside the top floor, farout, CityBeach is a sick skateshop better then the fucked up 1 where i live!!
Awesome shop but a shit pace for a mini ramp
you have to wear pads and its narrow as a fishes wang but fun for a bit, until u drown in sweat....nathen runs like a girl...
waste of mini
its gay coz u cant ride it u have to like ask them and sign up and u cant ride it until all the skewls r on hols and they r all uptite. they should jsut let u come up open the gate walk in and skate your ass off not this gay shit if u agree with me say here here
haha i won the comp in that 1 day :P
loox like a sik sk8 shop
I'm Tony
pretty fun little halffy soooo slippery tho
thats a sick ramp i got 1 like that in my back yard
nice park
this looks awsome! i want to compete in the comps they have!
i've won the comp there once and i beat the guy in the store in a game of skate on the flat outside the cage
the ramp was made good and pretty fun
Nice to sk8 but it's too narrow n they make u wear gay pads. My advice is to use your own pads(if u got some) in order too dodge using their stinky sweat drenched ones.
im goin there in december some time to enter the mini comp i was just wondering if anyone could hook me up with some info
the comps started on the second of december and finishes late janurary. and usually starts at around one
u need ur parents to sign a slip its gay the lady there is relly mean
so much fun bet when the pads come of hold ya breath... SO MUCH FUN 4 A LIL SEASION PEACE
Lol or you could just get some random to sign it and say it was your parent. And don't worry jack morrison the mean lady is long gone....
shit i skated this ramp not long ago and i done shit in it ive never done b4 its the bombdigide yewwwwww fakie front sals yewwwwwwww
u guys suck!!!!as if u wud sk8 tht its crap u have to sk8 the streets dont be losers sk8 streets not stupid mini ramps in building i mean wat is tht u psycho looser!!!!!!!!!!!
as if u guys suck crapcicals
This is an awesome skate shop i bought my darkstar setup here the day after state of origin 1. I didnt skate the half pipe but it looked pretty good
Scottttt IS A MOFO
add me on msn
i have one im my back yard
my mates lil bro whos like 12 come 2nd in the comp here in the opens haha havent skated it but i wanna but but it looks 2 skinny... scotttt u hate it cuz u cant skate it poof
i skated it today for the first time. u need permission, we went to skatebiz and asked sum guy to write the shit down lol. had a good 3 hr sesh on it. its got a good flow and the walls r padded so u cant really get hurt. but the coping sticked out cause where u wait is like thrashed.. but its worth it. goods time.
i got kicked out for not wearing pads because they got all sweaty and annoying
what pads are required?
yo tht scott guy is gay this mini is awesome im way better then tht gay scoot guy will ever be we went here real early thoe i got blunt kickflip to fakie on this wen we were on tour thoe and i was hungover haha good timez hey do any of use no if skateiz is lookin for sponsors coz im on elan and and i really want a new shop sponsor so tll em to hook me up
this ramp is good but a bit slipery
Being in the shop, you have to skate by their rules - without pads and helmet, they don't have insurance cover and without a regular mop clean, dust will build up and make it very slippery so be aware of that. Many a fun session has gone down when I used to work there, but I don't think they even have skaters working there now who are able to help kids and make sure it is well looked after.