Armidale Skatepark
streetscape, fun box, grind poles
152 Dumaresq St, Armidale NSW 2350, Australia
Skate Spots Nearby
- 95 km SW
- 134 km E
- 157 km SE
- 157 km SE
- 157 km SE
Albury 4
Annandale 2
Bathurst 3
Baulkham Hills 2
Beaumont Hills 2
Berry 2
Central Coast 25
Cessnock 2
Coffs Harbour 4
Dubbo 2
Eden 2
Engadine 2
Googong 2
Grafton 4
Griffith 2
Lismore 2
Lithgow 2
Merriwa 2
Narara 2
Newcastle 39
Orange 3
Queanbeyan 3
Raymond Terrace 2
Sandy Beach 2
Springwood 2
Suffolk Park 2
Sydney 93
Tamworth 2
Wagga Wagga 6
Wollongong 11
looks like a shit park
looks like a shit park
yeah it is theres a shit halfpipe but its being pulled down and after rain there a heaps of water through the park so its pretty crap i wouldnt give it a 3 star
yea its a pretty shit park
Skated it 28/2/02. Utter crap. Halfpipe looks like it was OK once but has disintegrated.
this is a fuck shit dick cunt fag park
this is a gamblin park
half pipe was shit but they picked it up with a shovel because they didnt want to get close to it and sold it at an auction for $44...but sunday the 9th some minister guy from sydney is coming down and giving money to build a new skatepark or improve that one.
and FJ's is near hannahs it has skate stuff but they dont know what there talking about and are expensive......davos gay
ben has a small p@*#s and h is angry because fjs dont sell dresses
we need a new park our surface is asphalt our ramps have gaps danny way couldnt clear and everything was designed by council who did a bodge job
be thankfull u have a park "peter davidson" its not that bad
hey bman shut up u idiot face go practice ur ollies
fjs do sell dresses!
hey fuk u dik head go practise being gay u fag
yeh stuff u BSM piss of looser
fuck of b man and tnt me and my team bsm can spell loser and are sponsored so eat shit and die bitch fuker hole liker rim job YEAH
Yeh its a gay park and the halfpipe is gone u mite as well go skate that shithole carpark.
fuck you b man bsm im wit u man bsm skate team rules bitches as for u bman and tnt 4 me go fuck your relatives u fuking homo peaces of shit spat out from the ass of your fat mothers '
i was expectin it 2 b better than uralla but it suks
ok this park may be shit but i loved it cause i learnt how to front feebs and backlip on that rail so ill give it some props peaaaaaaace
.hmmmm....marc wat do u think im ganna say? YAHUH yep UR CORRECT! lol
chrystal d fuck of wit ur randow shit BSMBSMBSMSSKSSKSSK
oi crystal is a mad bitch dont knock her...!
thanx bree lol HEY PETER DAVIDSON GO GROW A DICK COZ LAST TIME I SAW DOWN STAIRS THERE WAS NOTHIN TO GET WET OVER!!! hahahaha see bree its my new saying haha gets them everytime
hey people add me on msn :) P.S BrEE AnD ChRyZtAl-Dee ArE MaDD ArSe BiTcHeS :) YeA So DoNt MeSS wiT Us BiTcHeSSSSS HAHAHA lol
not bad for a basic park, i only skate it when im not goin to uni classes or on the why home, but it aint bad
chrystal d you are a fukin random sperm bank for homeless people go die peace out bsm and ssk the maddest skate crews eva
Hey peter davidson i bet u any money im a better sk8er than u coz all u are is SHIT! so go grow a dick coz last time i saw down stairs ders was nothin to get wet over! Ill fuck u up in a sk8 comp bitchhhhhhhh!
chrystal d i ahve realized that you do not stray from the common downstair insult so ur kinda sad plus you come to my town and ask for a game of skate and me and my teams will slaughter you p.s. the only time you get wet is when you see your father downstairs because you are interested in toothpicks peace out
anyone know when or if there gettin the new mini ramp?
HaHa Ur Full Of Shit perter davidson Ill Fuckin Come To Ur Local With Ma Crew And Knock You Out Flat,Go Run Laps Round Ur Momma!
Shut up davo Theres suposed to be a new park but thats not gunna happen for like years because armidale is poor and wastes there money on shit.
It is a shit park though.....The rails and the box arent to bad, but if your in the area just go to Tamworth.
yeah they spent it on all that shoppin complex yall
theres some good spots in armidale tho
yeah they spent it on all that shoppin complex yall
do u reckon 50 cent will go to jail yall
because skate matters peter davidson nd crap skater called ben r mad bitches.. tnt 4 me nd bman suck donkey dick.. u dont no shit its a gay park..
Looks Alright
lol chris hammond its cause they live in armidale like me lol, shit park but in the last skate meeting they said they mite be improving it by putting stairs, bank/wall, miniramp/spine, bowl,spine (about 8ft high) and better surface hopefully it goes forth
tryed to look for the park when i went there last year, couldn't find it lol. doesn't look like its worth skating anyway.
it likes the dick
that park is crap when i was goin to QLD last year i went through there every 1 loves god and i only saw 3 people on the strret not goin that way this year.
this park has been updated since these pics.. someone should contact an administrator for an update
Someone needs to put up there new park it's amazing!
There new park is so amazing!
Theres this kid called Alex King there who just basically fucking kills the park which pretty much ruins everything, but watch out for scooter fags they are fucking everywhere last time this fucking blonde haired fuck called Stevo by his mates snaked me so much if you see a blonde haired scooter fag by the name of Stevo deck him.