Toormina Bowl
Large street scape and bowl complex with fun boxes and grind poles
40-44 Minorie Dr, Toormina NSW 2452, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
- 7 km NE
- 8 km N
- 17 km SW
- 21 km SW
Skate Spots Nearby
- 12 km NW
- 120 km S
- 121 km S
- 121 km S
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first comment hey, Pretty fun park but can get boring quickly, theres a few really good lines around the park that are only really noticeable if your there, the rail is pretty fun and probly the best thing there, Some secitons of the quarters arent poured to well but most of it is alright IF your in toormina and have nothnig to do, check it out but i wouldnt say it is worth making a trip to get there because it gets boring quickly (i just ntocied how empty the park looksi n these pictures, tats how it is....) Most of the people skate, smoke weed in the bush The park is usually busy, but everyone goes into the bush and smokes weed and then coem back so sometimes its empty, IF your clsoe or going through and want to skate for a little while you can have some fun here, but isnt worth heading to just for the park (i dont htink there is much street around either)
It'z a Bit boring ................. Cept ther was a Demo ther and peep's all over the place .......and as for food .. Sub Way...Shoping center ner bye sufeshop's and some music shop's
tim im going here
its alright but dont stay there to long it gets real boring real quick
haha i fucked kate where the dude with the red shirt is in the first pic bahaha
you sick thiing
mad park
yeah that's pretty sic!
hey yall toormy pepz lets get a skate comp going and show the woopi boyz whos boss hit me on my msn its and we can try and get some thing going being a local i know a few people and they owe me big favors so yeah lets see what we can do latz
im a woopi boy and fuck u
woopi boys suck
I like the rail and the manual pad/2 set. Always lots of bikers here and sometimes they just never stop so u cant get in. Coping on the box is fucked from pegs. Fun park at times. I live pretty close.
i'm a bmxer and i ride it every day i know every thing bout wats happened there and THE COPY ISN'T FUCKED FROM PEGS ITS FROM A SLEDGE HAMMER. DICK SO THAT SHOWS UR OBVIOUSLY A SKATER!!!!!
Don't worrie about the stupid biker, he's talking shit, I've skated the park numerous times and it is fucked up the wall from bikes. The corners of the bowl are nice, But don't let the screwed up coping daunt you, Just go 100km/h and maybe wax your trucks and you'll have a great time :P Bikers all think they're tough, don't pay attention to the ones who actually can't ride.. if you wanna get a run in, just go. The bikers understand that you have right of way, just so long as you don't abuse it. Good fun park.
does every1 skate or does any1 ride scooters
go there every year love it its mad
bahahaha my friend aaron broke his arm here a while ago when he was still living here. the idiot droped into a trolly. hahaha going there again with him to get footage.
i love this park smooth in sum sections and u can smaoke sum weed in da bushes lol....the only annoyig thing is all the bikers use the bowl heaps so u cant really do anything in da bowl but most the time u cam heaps of he bikers are like pro there to.. only thing needs fixing is the coping on the litte quater