St Ives Old Skatepark
Concrete street course.
21 Cowan Rd, St. Ives NSW 2075, Australia
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What do dogs do,they go Rough,rough.The flat is so rough and thats about all.Once the skate gets going it is ok
ASTF home turf, the breeding ground of the one and only 127
pretty fuckin average
quite a lot of 8-12 year old wanna be gangsta types. They arent tough, just funny as hell.
ok park
tear :'(
yer, pretty average, but some, the ground is fucked up though- whos idea was pebblecrete kinda stuff anyways?
sucks for skateboarding
yeah the reason its ruff is cos people skated it before the fences were taken down.. so if ur getting a park made locally wait till the contractors say its alright to skate it or ull end up makin it all ruff...
BIG wheels anyone cause you will need them.Lots to do in the shopping centre next to the park.
Another one of the parks i grew up skating. Its fairly good fun, although, as everyone has said, the ground is absolute shite. If your only a kid, and you dont have enough money for new boards, then dont skate there, coz it chips the shit out of everything if you dont land yer tricks. The pyramid... well i used to think it was good, but i was young and stupid. now i see it isnt really that great, but its skateable and mellow enough not to claim too many casualties. The fun box is o.k...... the flat blocks dont have adequate run up, which makes it a bit tricky to set up properly for block tricks. The tranny in the park is wicked, except that the coping is sunk in a little bit too much, which can be annoying for locking into stalls and grinds. The roll in/flat bank is good fun, and a good size and steepness to keep the littler kids off it. I love skrams comment about wannabe gangsters, its fucken full of them. "ooooh my daddy has an extremely well paying job and i live in an affluent suburb and my mum drives a bmw x5 to take me to soccer practice, im from the streets...ggggggg unit". no- shut up you little prick. anyway, good park... not great, but definately worth a look. 3 stars. sweet. woops i almost forgot, if you skate there, theres a decent chance youll turn out good, coz it seems to breed a few decent skaters every now and again. Matty J, Justin Wong, Alon 'cough'... but then again, alot of the ASTF guys started skating there, and they are all homosexuals (except I.N.A) so i dunno, try your luck i might end up going pro, or you might end up being a pole smoker....take your chances.
u forgot monica shaaaw
yeah, well theres a food court up stairs in the shopping center, which isnt your big ass mall. not many big chain stores. like a local shopping center. during softball season, the parking spaces will be ALL taken, seriously, ALL of them. and like a million kids and parents on the park area surrounding the sk8park. anyway, your best bet for food is a mcdonalds straight across the street from the skatepark, u couldnt miss it if u were blind. division moved out (if u didnt know), that used to be next to mcdonals, but now the local sk8 shop is 'superswell' and thats located on mona vale road, on a strip of shops along the main street. your best bet is to ask a local where it is so u dont get lost. if not, just look it up in the directory, though i dont know if its listed. as for the park itself, as many people said, it is rough as guts concrete. and real small coping. its got some pretty fun stuff to skate. on the weekends and some weekdays, it can get really crowded with little kids just standing around and not paying attention to others. just in their "own world" like most little kids. which can get real annoying. u also get kids on bikes and scooters and anything u can think of. the tranny is fun, as dave stated. the boxes dont have much run up. to sum it up i guess, regulars would skate the small box frontside, and big box backside. and vice versa for goofy footed skaters. the flat bank is a nice 6 footer. the transistion offers some nice air oppertunities. the pyramid is about the perfect size/angle. theres benches to sit on. a water fountain. bathrooms which are falling apart. though i use(d) the mcdonalds bathroom, which is about 100x cleaner. um, the mcdonalds can get VERY VERY crowded lines during lunch time on weekends. so if u see an emtpy line, take it while u get the chance. theres a woolworths and franklins, so u can get your cheap drinks there. and i guess thats it i started skating there, and i think it is fairly fun, i would rate it 3.5/5 stars. its a fun park that u can get some nice lines in. though with a few upgrades, the park could reach a 4.5 or 5/5
true, i did forget monica shaw, and i apologise sincerely for it. she is goods and that.
my mum drives a bmw x5 to take me to soccer practice, im from the streets...ggggggg unit. halfcab and brownie said everything about the park that can be said... Sunday mornings is hell (softball fags) lots little kids but if you get angry enough at them there parents will get them away and talk to other parents about how rude "Thoes skaters" are. haha, good shit...
if u get a chance, steal a softball bench (one of those long silver flat benches) and hide it till the seasn is over. good fun
Haha yeh thats good fun. Even funner is sneaking one away from the softballers when there playing softball, and seeing how long u can skate it before someone has the balls to ask for it back. I think maby some BGP for me in the last pic about to do 360 flip ova hip..
good chill park
bahahahahahahaha... agreed..
its pretty crap cuz there is always to many people there and the ground is all rough!
Decently spaced out park with nice box and flat bank. The tranny section isn't big or steep enough to really bust out but are better than nothing. flat ground is rough as guts...
Coping needs to stick out more, but yeah have to agree its is a nice chill out park, nothing more.
i like it
i hated it
this is a hole
sorry the coping wasn't good enough for your axle stall hammers "Skater123456789"
it looks like a good park but wat would i no i havnt bin there but im goin taday.
for a Concrete street course its pretty good
should i go again?
preeeety lame
this park has the shittest ground like sk8ing on a pebble path TOO SLOW
Hey skater jj where u from?
My local. Its good for lerning tranny tricks but pretty rough. Sup Bergy
yeah this is a cool park for beginners. but shit ass ground to put in a skate park. not enough run up for the fun box, but awesome pyramid.
oh also there's heaps of lil kids and tons of annoying bikies.
Its a good decent park. A good place to go to chill out. The are loads of little hardcore 8 year old skater tools shitting the park up and getting in the way on weekends.Probably like the Monster in Homebush except more annoying.. 2 of these tools tried moving this box in the middle of the fun-box and tried olliing on it while everyone else was just thinking of ways to shove up their their small lil asses. Like about 1 million times before, people have said the ground sucks, well it sorta does. Well its ok but its not like smooth or anything. There are shops about 20m across the road so you can grab something to eat as well as visit some shops. Good park, but loads of little gimps.
my name is dan pearsall and i can't even go down the penis ramp
p.s. i like men
hugo is a fat retarded moron who has no friends pearsall is the gayest tool in the tool shed but also one of the sharper few. shut up callum ur fat
theres tons of posers and they should fuk off or else sum1 will put their 400 dollar rich ass boards to some use and shove them up their asses
Hugo is a fat loser with blond hair and a lanky body structure and he is fat and is a one of those rich afluent rich fucks
ps: hugo likes men
hugo has a shity skateboard with the combination of a crap rider aswell he makes for a sur fire fuck up
Callum and Hugo fuck each other up the ass everynight so they can achieve there very limited orgasms. They have loads of STDs
Im hugo and i fuck callum everyday
Anything hugo says is a lie cuz he is an addicted stoner.
haha you guys are the biggest fucking spammers ever, oi Dan you said Hugo is all lanky and stuff, then you said hes fat?
the only bad thing about this park is the fukin posers and little kiddies on bikes and scooters that dont even look where there going. i mean, how stupid would you have to be to take your 4 year old to a fukin skate park and watch him nearly get snapped, and them blame you, it fukin pisses me off!!!!! DUMBASSES!!!!!!!!
that park is crap the flat is to fuckin rough and i hate chatswood but i like it better that this piece of shit
st ives bowl will always have a special spot in my heart
chatswood and st ives are both awesome. If you don't like it then go shove a stick up your already fucked ass. If you want a 5 star park take a train out to fucking homebush and go to monster you fucktards.
stop crying about the concrete you girls. the park is sweet. you just gotta go hard
Summer session 2006 skate comp will be held @ St Ives skate park on Saturday 9th December. Registration is from 12- 12:30pm. $2 entry for all sections except $5 for opens. Sections include: 11 and under(peewee), 12+13yrs, 14+15yrs, 16+17yrs, 18Yrs and over+sponsored, girls section and inline section. Prizes include decks, shuffle ipods, ca$h for opens and other gear. On the day there will be live bands, bbq and pro demo. Sponsored by St Ives shopping centre, Manly Blades, KR3W and FolkLaw. Should be a huge day please spread the word it's in a couple of weeks. For further info email or phone 9424 0837. Ku-ring-gai Council Youth Services event. Drug and alcohol free.
^ You sure about that mate? I just checked the Ku-ring-gai council website and it said it is on Sunday the 27th of November (this sunday)... is there two or have one of you two got your facts wrong?
My bad, your date is right, I just called the council and they said that it is on the 9th.
Hey Guys to enter this comp you must have an indemnity form signed. To gain a copy please visit go to youth services what's on and download. There will be copies on the day if you want to bring a parent with you, as an over 18yr old you can sign it.
my name is callum more and im quite fat.
hey my name is carlo I go to an affluent high school and my parents have tons of mercs and bmws. I love people with long cocks
and i like men
and i have chlamidia, syphilis, AIDS/HIV, and to top it off... GENITAL WARTS
AND ALSO HERPiES AND did i mention i like men! a
hi im james mccallum and i really like al mcmanus and we have gay anal sex everyday. hot sweaty kinkyness
hi im james mccallum and i masterbate by droppin my gay card
hahaha james dropped his GAY CARD
hi im james mccallum and anything jbmm writes about me is referred to him
Hi I'm Tom Hartigan and I get my many $100 notes from Jewish hobos in St Ives where I live with my Jewish family and my Jewish dog.
The views above are strictly the views of Tom Hartigan. No one else. Not even bender92 who is the account logged in writing this. Tom thinks this.
heres a fun fact for you: hugo once made out with sister, he also suked off a jew
This is a sick park!!
dROP IN HAMMERS Comp @ St Ives skate park on Saturday 13th October. Rego starts @ 10am first division kicks off @ 11:30am entry fee: $5 Prizes: cash vouchers and skate product Divisions: 13yrs and under, 14yrs-15yrs, 16yrs and over, opens( sponsored) winners from each division compete in a game of sk8 @ the end of the day condition of entry: Indemnity forms must be signed and helmets must be worn Sponsors: PSC, KR3W, Supra and St Ives Shopping Village To download indemnity forms visit for further info contact Ku-ring-gai Council Youth Services on 94408784
This place is allright beware flying soft balls the ground is crap its like a layer of gravel my cuzzin stacked and it to like all the skin off his arm.
Hey Guys, The annual skate comp is happening in November, please check out Dropp'n hammers Comp in the forum for more details
i dropped a hammer on my foot once
i want several blowjobs from several hot chicks!
Dropp'n Hammers Skate Comp- St Ives skate park (off memorial ave, St Ives) Saturday 7th November (wet weather alternative Saturday 14th November) Registrations open 10am. comp starts 11am Entry Fee:$5 Conditions of entry: signed indemnity form and helmet must be worn. Divisions: under 12's, 12&13 yrs, 14&15yrs, 16&17 yrs, girls, 18's and sponsored Major Sponsor: Folklore, Other Sponsors: Juice, Kr3w, Supra and Mountain dew. This is a drug and alcohol free event run by Ku-ring-gai Council.
for indemnity forms visit
the council wont re- surface i which sucks. but it is such a good park when you get going. home- town pride. this park is sick. epic quarters that provide some sick lines if you know where to look. if you live in the are check it out for sure.
Dropp'n Hammers Skate and Scooter Comp When: Friday Oct 1, wet weather alternative Friday 8 Where: St Ives Skate Park, off Memorial Ave, St Ives Registration starts at 10 am - Comp kicks off at 10:30am Conditions of Entry: $ 5 and signed Indemnity Form (download from Divisions:Scooter: 12 and under, 13 - 15 years and 16 years and over Skate:12 and under, 13 - 15 years and 16 years and over Free tunes and BBQ as part of Mental Health Month 2010 - Good friends help you bounce back Sponsored by: Skater HQ, District, Eagle and St Ives Shopping Village For more info call 9424 0981 or email
nice park to skate, I found this video which help me decide